Carshalton Lavender is run entirely by volunteers! We wouldn’t exist without your help and we love meeting new people. If you’d like to get involved, there are a number of ways that you can help:
Join one of our regular field work groups (more info below)
- Foster some cuttings
- Help out on our stall at an event
- Help out at our Pick Your Own Harvest events
- Deliver our harvest weekend leaflets to your local area
Whatever your interest, if you’d like to get involved with Carshalton Lavender then do get in touch; you can email us at: info@carshaltonlavender.org – we’d love to hear from you!
We are 100% volunteer project and and the future success of the field depends on YOU! Can you spare a few hours on a Saturday morning from 10.30am to 12.30pm?
We are need help with a variety of tasks including:
Taking Cuttings ~ Re-planting ~ Harvesting ~ Distillation ~ General gardening duties ~ Cutting bunches of lavender (July-August only) ~ Tying lavender bunches ~ Watering younger plants ~ Plucking tall grasses ~ Become a steward at our open sessions
No experience necessary. We will show you what to do and we have all the equipment needed. Experienced gardeners welcome too!
- longsleeved shirt to protect your arms
- long trousers to protect your legs
- layers are ideal
- good footwear (enclosed shoes, wellies or waterproof boots). The ground is uneven
- sun hat sun cream / raincoat (weather dependent)
- Bring your own gardening gloves if you wish but we have plenty you can borrow
- Be sure that you don't confuse us with other local lavender fields. Use Oaks Way Centre as your point and find our gate next to the centre

We're a friendly bunch and would love to meet you, so if you're thinking about it and would like to know more feel free to contact us. It's best to let us know to expect you so drop us an email or call 07948 174907 and leave a message.
5 Reasons to Volunteer with Carshalton Lavender:
- Get some fresh air and sunshine
- It's a great form of exercise
- You get to enjoy Carshalton Lavender and it's soothing and calming properties
- Meet new people and make new friends
- Give something back to your local community and support this heritage project
Don't think you have time to volunteer?
Even if you are unable to commit regularly and can only spare 1 hour your help would be greatly appreciated. You can also help by fostering cuttings or making a donation.

Working Parties
We’re always delighted to meet new volunteers and it’s a great way for you to enjoy the lavender, help maintain the field and get some gentle exercise at the same time!
We hold sessions on most Saturdays throughout the year from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Volunteers are busy throughout the year with various tasks that ensure that the lavender field thrives.
Take a look at our Facebook page for updates and future events
Volunteering Dates
You can find us on the field every Saturday from 10.30am until about 12.30pm.
If you want to join us please book your session as we are limiting the numbers of volunteers on the field. You can do this by leaving a voicemail or send a text to 07948 174907 so we know to welcome you. Alternatively you can or send us a message via email, our Facebook page or Twitter.
Click here for details of how to find us here as our field is tucked away.
You can keep up to date with Carshalton Lavender through Facebook and Twitter or email us to be added to our mailing list.